Forms & Pricing for Online 1099 & W2 Filing in 2023

File the most popular types of 1099 & W2 forms online instantly and securely.

Affordably print, mail and e-file W-2 and 1099 forms online, including W-2, 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC, 1095 Forms, 1042, Corrections and even past-year forms.

Choose Your Type of Account for Ultimate Filing Efficiency!



The core e-filing experience; pay as you go, per form.

Ideal for individual users, SMBs, solopreneurs

1 User

Totals Reports
Summary Reports

Chat & Email Support

$1 per TIN Match

Pay as you go


$149 /year

Increase team efficiency and save money on TIN matching.

Ideal for professional tax and accounting offices.

Up to 10 Users
Each user has a unique login and can segment work
NEW! User role assignment for admin, editor or viewer

Totals Reports
Summary Reports
Payer and Recipient Export

NEW! Activity log for visibility of tasks and statuses for filing progress

Priority Chat & Email Support
3 Callback Requests

250 Free TIN Matches

Form credits available for purchase to secure bulk quantity pricing to apply to smaller filing batches.


$399 /year

Enterprise features, free TIN matching and premium support.

Ideal for larger teams of accounting professionals.

Up to 20 Users Included (add more for $15 each)
Each user has a unique login and can segment work
NEW! User role assignment for admin, editor or viewer

Totals Reports
Summary Reports
Payer and Recipient Export

NEW! Activity log for visibility of tasks and statuses for filing progress

Priority Chat & Email Support
Unlimited Callback Requests

Unlimited Free TIN Matches

Form credits available for purchase to secure bulk quantity pricing to apply to smaller filing batches.

NEW FOR 2023!

Pre-buy filings to get the bulk quantity discount, even when filing in smaller batches.

Normally when filing on Discount Efile 4 Biz, you pay per the number of forms in your cart at the time of filing. If you have a lot of forms, but want to file them in smaller batches, you don't get the bulk quantity discount.

But with our new pre-buy bundle packages you do!

Get bulk quantity discounts, even if you submit a few forms at a time. 

Ideal for tax professionals or larger companies with teams of people taking care of filing.

Visit our parent company, Discount Tax Forms to learn more and purchase your credit bundle.

Order Pre-Buy Bundles


Pricing for 1099 & W-2 Online Filing Services

You only pay when you submit the forms for filing – no minimum fees and no hidden costs.
Set up a free account today, get your data set up and ready for ultra-fast filing in January.

Supported Forms: W2, 1099-NEC, -MISC, -INT, -DIV, -R, -K, -C, -B, 1098, 1098-T

1099, 1098 & W-2 Forms

Service Print & Mail
and E-file
Print & Mail
Forms per Order Price
Per Form
Per Form
Per Form
1 – 25 $4.75 $3.25 $2.00
26 – 75 4.50 3.10 1.90
76 – 150 4.15 2.85 1.80
151 – 250 3.85 2.60 1.75
251 – 500 3.25 2.30 1.70
501 – 1000 2.75 1.95 1.60
1001 – 2000 1.75 1.20 1.40
2001 – 5000 1.50 1.05 1.25
5001+ 1.35 .95 1.10

Edit a form before we e-file with the IRS/SSA:  $1.95 ea

Correction Forms: 1099-NEC, 1099-MISC, W-2, 1095-C, 1095-B, 1094-C, 1099-INT, 1098, 1099-S, 1099-R, and 1099-DIV

Correct a form after e-filing with the IRS/SSA: $7.95 ea
TIN Matching: $1.00 ea  

Direct-to-State Filings – additional $1 per form

State 1099-MISC & 1099-NEC Filing:
We file directly with Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island (MISC only), Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin.

State 1099-R Filing:
We file directly with Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin.

State W-2 Filing:
We directly file with Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin.

Pricing for 1095 ACA Form Online Filing Services

You only pay when you submit the forms for filing – no minimum fees and no hidden costs.
Set up a free account today, get your data set up and ready for ultra-fast filing later.

1095 Forms (ACA)
1095-B / 1095-C

Service Print/Mail
and E-file
E-file Only Print & Mail Only
Forms per Order Price
Per Form
Per Form
Per Form
1 – 100 $5.00 $4.50 $2.80
101 – 250 4.25 4.85 2.75
251 – 500 3.50 3.15 2.70
501 – 1000 2.75 2.50 2.60
1001+ 2.25 2.15 2.50
  1094-B Transmittals are filed with 1095-B at no charge
Edit a form before we e-file with the IRS/SSA: $1.95 ea
Correct a form after e-filing with the IRS/SSA: $7.95 ea
TIN Matching: $1.00 ea


Pricing for 1042-S E-file, Print and Mail Services

You only pay when you submit the forms for filing!
No minimum fees and no hidden costs.
Set up a free account today, get your data set up and ready for ultra-fast filing later.

1042-S Forms

Service Print/Mail
and E-file
E-file Only Print & Mail Only
Forms per Order Price
Per Form
Per Form
Per Form
1 – 10 $17.95 $17.25 $2.50
11 – 25 16.95 16.25 2.45
26 – 50 15.95 15.25 2.40
51 – 100 13.95 13.25 2.30
101 – 250 11.95 11.25 2.25
251 – 500 8.95 8.25 2.20
501 – 1000 6.95 6.25 2.10
1000+ 6.25 5.55 2.00
Edit a form before we e-file with the IRS/SSA: $1.95 ea
Correct a form after e-filing with the IRS/SSA: $7.95 ea
TIN Matching: $1.00 ea

Forms must be submitted to Discount E-File by 12:00pm EST on Jan 31, 2024 to be postmarked and e-filed by the deadline.

We can help you get it all done fast!

Forms Available


Report payments made as non-employee compensation of $600 or more during the tax year. This is the form you will need to report income paid to contractors, freelancers, etc.

This form replaced 1099-MISC (box 7) in 2020.

Start Filing 1099-NEC

1099-NEC Correction
Use this form to correct payment information on a 1099-NEC form you previously filed with the IRS.

Please note: We do not currently support corrections of recipient information, including the recipient’s name, address or TIN/SSN. 

Start Filing Corrections


Report miscellaneous payments of royalties, rent, prizes, fishing boat proceeds, proceeds paid to an attorney and more. 

To report non-employee compensation income, you must use the 1099-NEC form beginning in 2020.

Start Filing 1099-MISC

1099-MISC Correction
Use this form to correct payment and withholding amounts on a 1099-MISC form you previously filed with the IRS.

Please note: We do not currently support corrections of recipient information, including the recipient’s name, address or TIN/SSN. 

Start Filing Corrections

File Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, for each employee you have paid remuneration, including non-cash payments of $600 or more for the year (all amounts if any income, social security, or Medicare tax was withheld) for services performed. 

Start Filing W2

W-2 Corrections

Use this form to correct Employer EIN, Employment Code, Tax Year, Establishment Number, 3rd Part Sick Pay Indicator and Kind of Employer, Employee Name, Employee SSN and payment and withholding amounts on a W-2 form you previously filed with the SSA. 

Start Filing Corrections

Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions
Report proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions for each person for whom the broker has sold stocks, bonds, commodities, regulated futures contracts, foreign currency contracts, forward contracts, debt instruments, etc. 

Start Filing 1099-B

Cancellation of Debt
File Form 1099-C for each debtor for whom a debt owed is $600 or more if the debtor is an individual, corporation, partnership, trust, estate, association, or company. Form 1099-C must be filed regardless of whether the debtor is required to report the debt as income. 

Start Filing 1099-C

Dividends and Distributions
Report Dividends and Distributions for each person to whom you have paid dividends or withheld any federal income tax on dividends, or paid $600 or more as part of liquidation. 

Start Filing 1099-DIV

1099-DIV Corrections
Dividends and Distributions – Correction
Use this form to correct payment and withholding amounts on a 1099-DIV form you previously filed with the IRS
Please note: We do not currently support corrections of recipient information, including the recipient’s name, address or TIN/SSN. 

Start Filing Corrections

Interest Income
Report interest paid to each person to whom you have paid at least $10 of interest during the year.

Start Filing 1099-INT

1099-INT Correction

Interest Income – Correction
Use this form to correct payment and withholding amounts on a 1099-INT form you previously filed with the IRS.

Please note: We do not currently support corrections of recipient information, including the recipient’s name, address or TIN/SSN. 

Start Filing Corrections


Following the feedback from taxpayers, tax professionals, and payment processors and to reduce taxpayer confusion, the IRS released Notice 2023-74 announcing a delay of the new $600 Form 1099-K reporting threshold for third-party settlement organizations for the calendar year 2023.

As the IRS continues to work to implement the new law, the agency will treat 2023 as an additional transition year. Hopefully, this change will reduce the potential confusion caused by the distribution of an estimated 44 million Forms 1099-K sent to many taxpayers who wouldn’t expect one and may not have a tax obligation. As a result, reporting thresholds will remain where they have been in the past (taxpayers receive over $20,000 and have more than 200 transactions) in 2023.

Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
File Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc., for each person to whom you have made a designated distribution or are treated as having made a distribution of $10 or more from profit-sharing or retirement plans, any individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), annuities, pensions, insurance contracts, survivor income benefit plans, permanent and total disability payments under life insurance contracts, charitable gift annuities, etc. 

Start Filing 1099-R

Proceeds From Real Estate Transactions
1099-S reports sale or exchange transaction for money, indebtedness, property, or services of any present or future ownership interest in any improved or unimproved land, permanent structures, residential, commercial, industrial building, stock in a cooperative housing corporation or non-contingent interest in standing timber.

Start Filing 1099-S

1099-S Correction
Proceeds From Real Estate Transactions – Correction
Please note: We do not currently support corrections of recipient information, including the recipient’s name, address or TIN/SSN. 

Start Filing Corrections

Mortgage Interest Statement
Use Form 1098, Mortgage Interest Statement, to report mortgage interest of $600 or more received during the year in the course of trade or business from an individual, including a sole proprietor. The $600 threshold applies separately to each mortgage.

Start Filing 1098

1098 Correction
Mortgage Interest Statement – Correction
Use this form to correct payment amounts on a 1098 form you previously filed with the IRS.
Please note: We do not currently support corrections of recipient information, including the recipient’s name, address or TIN/SSN. 

Start Filing Corrections

Tuition Statement
File Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, for each student enrolled and for whom a reportable transaction is made. Insurers must file Form 1098-T for each individual to whom reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses is made. 

Start Filing 1098-T

Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding
File Form 1042-S, Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, to report amounts paid to foreign persons (including persons presumed to be foreign) that are subject to withholding, even if no amount is deducted and withheld from the payment because of a treaty or Code exception to taxation or if any amount withheld was repaid to the payee.

Start Filing 1042-S

Health Coverage
Report certain information to the IRS and to taxpayers about individuals who are covered by minimum essential coverage and therefore are not the individual shared responsibility payment.

Start Filing 1095-B

Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage
Report the information required under section 6055 and 6056 about offers of health coverage and enrollment in the health coverage for their employees. 

Start Filing 1095-C

Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage 
File one 1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns, each time you file 1095-C Health Coverage Forms. One 1094-C must be marked as the Authoritative Transmittal.